Hello, I'm phoeagon!
[粵普潮英-4語]魔都 N1 KT | 軟工求軟妹。非典型宅。技術控。exOIer。Coder。Google粉。宅技術不宅動漫,看過一點魔禁炮姐烏賊娘會長什麼的荒廢好久了。會寫會看java/py/c++和一點php。
My Projects on other sites
Some of my projects, mostly legacy ones, are not hosted on Github. Instead, you can find a brief description of most of them here: [http://phoeagon.byethost15.com/my-projects-2/]
In plain text (*.txt), to typeset Chinese paragraphs in vertical lines. 在纯文本中将中文文本实现竖排排版。支持自定义版面,缩进,标点转换和前置后置标点自动适配。//到现在以来基本上所谓 假古文 的没有这些复杂的功能吧。。。
TeXTutor is an educational application that helps one master the basic skills of LaTeX. The tutorial is carried out with series of short task, interactively and useful. 一个测试型的LaTeX教程。用户通过模仿一系列精心设计的文档,用latex实现一个相同内容的文档以练习多种常见的LaTeX使用技巧。 ~PDF tutorial available, while binary executables still N.A~
This project tends to generate feeds for a given account on some famous and widely-used Web2.0 sites in China, as most of them offer no RSS entries. 把人人、新浪weibo,网易博客心情,qq签名等制作成RSS,标准RSS2.0可用于twitterfeed等同步到twitter或其他程序。。 ~alpha release~RSS
(~translate~ devFlowcharter)[http://sourceforge.net/projects/devflowcharter/]
Write an executable program in Flowcharts! Pascal, C supported. (中文译者)用程序框图编程! ~trans~
(PostCard Distribution System)[https://sourceforge.net/projects/giftdistribute/]
无聊的用于解决在renren/douban上流行的网友互寄明信片的统筹问题。用php和mysql实现了一个数据库支持的网站,支持申领明信片,跟踪明信片状态等。管理员凭借密码可以修改申请单状态等。 主要目的是证明我努力写过学过php。。。
What does phoeagon
is a combination of PHOEnix & drAGON